Media Are Disqualified To Produce A Certificate of Morality


One of the core problems with the press nowadays, is that newsmakers in particular news anchors will repackage their leftist partisan opinions as news. Leaving no room for the audience to critically think for themselves or to be truly informed.


On March 30, 1932, a column appeared in the American daily newspaper stating that Russians Hungry But Not Starving dismissing the reports about the widespread starvation in Ukraine. The newspaper which published the column was New York Times and the author paper’s correspondent awarded by Pulitzer Prize, Mr. Walter Duranty.

At the time when Times audience tried to learn about Stalinism from Mr Duranty’s column, at least 4-5 millions have died due to the artificial famine. The New York Times has never condemned Mr Duranty for obvious falsehoods that resulted in the misinformation of millions Americans. “But Duranty knew the ugly truth,” writes Mark R. Levin in Unfreedom of the Press, his brilliant assessment of the moral and professional situation of the American mainstream press. The Times did not even raise the issue during the Cold War when it was seen as a the so-called paper of the record. 

Mr. Levin, who served in the administration of one of the greatest presidents ever after World War II, Ronald Reagan, whom the mainstream media attacked nearly with a similar intensity and viciousness as President Trump, understands very well how the world of media works. 

As a lawyer, he builds a case against the moral quality of any mainstream media outlet to produce a certificate of morality for the elected representatives as the US media did during the Trump era.

In the lead up to the U.S Presidential election in 2020, the mainstream media consisting of mostly left-leaning journalists who openly support the Democratic Party collectively worked very hard to win votes and support for its Presidential candidate, Joe Biden. In their ardent attempts to sway the election, there was a tsunami of overwhelming media propaganda against the incumbent President Donald Trump. Their actions in collusion with Big Tech companies such as Facebook and Twitter, worked to suppress and obstruct the news and information from their Conservative and Republican counterparts that would contribute to hinder President Trump’s election campaign. Including censoring copious opinions and posts of the respective author of this book, Unfreedom of the Press.

The mainstream media, in collusion with Facebook and Twitter, achieved to suppress information
from their Conservative counterparts,
that would contribute to hinder President Trump’s election campaign.

Mark R. Levin is an erudite and very well respected author of numerous books on politics, constitutional law, and American history. He has experience as a constitutional lawyer and is also a popular radio and TV host with national syndication. In his book, he quotes, “Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth.” Levin genuinely believes in teaching the truth via his nationally syndicated mediums and also through his books. He also believes in liberty and freedom of speech for all. Levin is an American Conservative and patriot hence these are contributing factors to why he wrote Unfreedom of the Press.

His purpose is to educate and inform his fellow American citizens on the history of the early American press and how the modern progressive mainstream press has radically changed into a voice for diabolical social activism. It is evident that Mr. Levin shows a lot of care and integrity, to provide his readers with a book that tells the truth with solid facts to back up his assertions.


The young Reaganite, Mr. Levin starts with the foundation information regarding the news in terms of its political and ideological agendas. In particular, he provides a discussion about the mainstream media. Explaining how and why they are superficial and very liberal in nature. The author also believes the leftist media have undermined Conservative and Republican Presidents, especially President Trump. He poses to the reader, what will the honest American citizens do to address this?

Mr. Mark Levin does a superb job in addressing this issue. He  explains to his readers, what is freedom of the press? What is journalism? What is objective truth? What should be the standards of journalism and the media in general.

The leftist media have undermined Conservative and Republican American Presidents, especially President Trump.

He poses the question are journalists and the purveyors of news, truly gathering and presenting the news in its traditional honest fact finding sense for their audience and or readers?

Levin has taken the due diligence to reflect on these questions?

He believes the answer to these multitude of questions is not straightforward but one fact is certain. The media have veered staunchly to the left wing of the political ideology continuum. In particular, he points out the biggest transgressors in obstructing freedom of the press and free speech in general are the pro-Communist leaning journalists that he has assigned the moniker of the Democratic Party Press.


In particular, Mr. Levin strongly asserts that the mainstream media used to be balanced with a bi-partisan news perspective originating from the two different political ideologies. These balanced views have become virtually obsolete in this current time.

The mainstream press have radically evolved with TV networks such as CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and The New York Times newsprint outlet becoming the loud propaganda machines for the Democratic Party. He asserts that the hard leftist media are now the unrelenting voices for progressive social activism, who bombard their audience with their hidden and not so hidden agenda.

The leftist media are essentially brainwashing their audience,
to conform and capitulate to their perspective and point of view

Mr. Levin warns that the one sided progressive wave of social activism, leaves the United States in a precarious situation, that threatens to violate the Constitution especially in the context of free speech. The leftist media are essentially brainwashing their audience, to conform and capitulate to their perspective and point of view. Individuals such as Conservatives and or Republicans, who do not subscribe their radical views are publicly criticised and demonised.

The renowned US talk-radio host argues that one of the core problems with the press nowadays, is that newsmakers in particular news anchors will repackage their leftist partisan opinions as news. Leaving no room for the audience to critically think for themselves or to be truly informed. Astute and honest individuals who are truly seeking genuine news with honest hard facts, are then left feeling frustrated and suspicious of the mainstream progressive media. Thus creating a divisive and precarious situation for American citizens.

The New York Times intentionally neglected to fully inform American citizens
about the truth on the Holocaust
due to the leftist ideology of the Democratic Party President
who was incumbent during that era.

Pseudo events and unsubstantiated litigation cases against Conservatives and Republican individuals, have proliferated due to the ardent Democratic Party Press machine. Mr. Levin discusses in his book several examples that have resulted due to the disinformation and nefarious actions of the leftist media, including propagating the purported Russian collusion, President Trump’s impeachment and the prosecution of General Michael Flynn.

Mr. Levin shares a salient historical example, when delving into his discourse on the dishonesty of the mainstream media. The New York Times intentionally neglected to fully inform American citizens about the true horrific events of the Holocaust due to the leftist ideology of the Democratic Party President who was incumbent during that era.

On a positive note for the press, Levin points out Thomas Paine, an early patriot as a shining example of how honest work in the press could bring good to the nation. Paine’s historical and influential essay “Common Sense” published in 1776 contributed to the American independence and increased the morale of its citizens. He used his position in the press for the betterment of his country and its citizens.

Mr. Levin’s despite being highly intellectual and scholarly in nature, has written his book Unfreedom of the Press in an easy to read and digestible manner. Reading his book is akin to receiving the supplementary class notes, that expands in further detail his thoughts and teaching of constitutional law and history that is broadcast on his radio and TV show. The reader can read the book by choice of chapter alone in regards to a particular topic of interest or read the book as a whole. The latter choice is preferable and strongly recommended. The book is enlightening and very informative.


Unmasking the mainstream media, Mr. Levin omits the obvious influence of the American media for the outrage against President Trump that is Russian and Chinese media. Paradoxically the idea of the dossier was born in the head of the Russian “scientist” who was supposed by another Russian, the disgruntled employee of Kremlin oligarch-owned in Cyprus. But such a study would extend the book by at least a few chapters, if not another section. 

However, as the example of failed New York Times reporter Mr. Duranty who closed his eyes to the genocide of Ukrainians by Stalin and reported the fabricated information that appeased the Kremlin proves the sources of the betrayal of media are extremely diversified and hard to expose. Mr. Duranty's name has not been removed from the textbooks for the future media adepts.

Doubtless, Mr. Levin’s book should be read and studied not only by American Conservatives but also any reader who wants an honest assessment of the modern era press. And who wants to learn how their destructive actions are undermining not only the political process in America but also negatively permeating the fabric of the nation.



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