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A Woman Who First Revealed Details of Genocide In Xinjiang Gets Human Rights Award


Sayragul Sauytbay, a whistleblower, who reports on the top secret inner structures of the concentration camps. (CFU)

A whistleblower, who reports on the top secret inner structures of the camps, as well as on Bejing’s long-term plans for the undermining and subjugation, also of western democracies.

Sayragul Sauytbay , 44, an ethnic Kazakh from Xinjiang living in Sweden, who was one of the first in the world to talk about the "political re-education camps" in China, was awarded the Nuremberg International Human Rights Prize. The Nuremberg Human Rights Office announced its decision on Monday, March 1.

By presenting Ms Sayragul Sauytbay with the 2021 Nuremberg International Human Rights Award, the City of Nuremberg honours a human rights activist whose fate in many aspects is exemplary for that of the ethnoreligious minorities in China , the author of the press release said.

Ms. Sairagul Sauytbay believes that this award is the result of her fight against the criminal actions of China and the common victory of truth-loving people in Europe, Turkey and Kazakhstan.

The world should know what is happening in the camps
and what the Chinese Communist Party is planning

The members of the jury of the award informed me that they have awarded me an award. When I found out about this, I was very happy. This award is given to those who risk their lives and fight for human rights, Ms Sauytbay stated in a comment for Radio Liberty.

Our fight has just begun. I think that with the support of Western countries, we will deal a heavy blow to China's criminal actions, Ms Sauytbay emphasised.

An international jury chaired by the Mayor of Nuremberg Markus König on 28 February took the decision. The prize has been awarded every two years since 1995. The awards ceremony will take place at the Nuremberg Opera House in the spring of 2022.

Last year, Ms. Sairagul Sauytbay won the International Courage Award, which the US Department of State awards every year to women who risked their lives for peace, justice, human rights, gender equality, and women's rights.

Ms Sauytbai speaks about Beijing's long-term plans
to subvert and subjugate Western democracies

After Sweden granted her political asylum in 2019,  Ms Sauytbai spoke publicly about the internal structure of the camps in Xinjiang and about Beijing's long-term plans to subvert and subjugate Western democracies, the author of the statement by Nuremberg Human Rights Office emphasised.

The author also noted that Ms Sauytbai, in her book Die Kronzeugin (German "key witness" - ed.), written by her in collaboration with the German journalist and writer Alexandra Kavelius, narrated about unthinkable crimes in the camps.

The world should know what is happening in the camps and what the party is actually planning, Ms. Sauytbay's words are quoted in the press release.


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