BBC Headline Softens The Importance of The News About Uyghur's Genocide
The state sponsored media reported Uyghurs stated that China has committed the worst crime but the truth is different.
Commment & Analysis
BBC headline:
Uighurs: 'Credible case' China carrying out genocide
The Owner headline:
Leading English lawyers: China Committed Crime Of Genocide Against Uyghurs
Everyone who understands how the media works, realises the importance of the headline.
One can soften it, one can twist it in the desired direction or one can dismiss the news with a headline.
The BBC reported that Uyghurs claim China committed genocide.
But such a headline softens the importance and impact of true information.
And the BBC headline does not communicate the truth.
The leading London lawyers and specialists made this assessment, not the Uyghurs.
We at The Owner, correctly indicated this crucial fact in our headline.
The leading London lawyers and specialists made this assessment, not the Uyghurs.
Why did the BBC twist the main news in their headline? It wanted to distance itself from this legal opinion, which also influences the media's information policy.
At a minimum, we are in a situation akin to the one from the 1990s in the former Yugoslavia. At the time when CNN first discovered evidence, for the genocide of Albanian Muslims in Bosnia. After the footage of mass graves was broadcasted, the Bosnian Genocide and Yugoslavia's Milosevic ethnic cleansing became the major first news in the world media.
These developments in news were followed by the NATO intervention, in former Yugoslavia with several days of bombing the Nazi-like troops of Mr. Aliya Izetbegovic and Mr. Radko Mladic et consortes.
But BBC on the first day manipulates- softens the crucial news in its headline, to make it look as though it would be the partial judgement made by the Uyghurs.
It cannot be further from the truth. It is the most objective legal opinion on the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party in occupied Uyghuristan currently called Xinjiang.
The time of seeking more excuses has finished with the publication of this legal Opinion.
The UK government must now give the Uyghurs their day in a court, as they desire.
The renowned English barristers prepared this opinion for the Uyghurs.
Most importantly, the barristers, independent of Uyghurs influence, concluded that China has committed the crime of genocide. This opinion is the closest to the most objective legal assessment, that has ever been made in this case.
The UK government must now give the Uyghurs their day in a court, as they desire. The time of seeking more excuses has finished with the publication of this legal Opinion.
It is an important and major difference that if correctly reported in the headlines, would greatly force media to treat it as ground breaking news.
If anything is worthy to report, it is the message that China is not a normal state and it cannot be treated this way. Media must also ask inconvenient questions at the government press conferences.
But BBC devalued the importance of this news in its reporting.
It is a classic example of disinformation - reporting "the fact" and preventing it from causing unwanted consequences.
It is a fierce battle in which wisdom, skills, and experience are needed to win the information war.
We at The Owner, have this expertise and experience.
We reported the truth most accurately because we are different from other media.