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Beijing Repeatedly Violates WTO Laws


Canberra said yesterday it was closely monitoring exports to Communist China amid "deeply troubling" reports that Chinese buyers have been told not to purchase seven categories of Australian goods ranging from coal to wine, further increasing diplomatic tensions.

The media has reported that Chinese importers had been informally warned by customs officials that commodities, including copper ore, barley, sugar, timber and lobster, would face increased inspections from yesterday. Trade Minister Simon Birmingham states  Chinese officials had publicly and privately denied that any coordinated effort was being taken against Australia, and said he hoped Beijing "is true to its word".

"They deny any discriminatory actions that are being taken. But that doesn't seem to be what industry is seeing and hearing at present," he said on radio station 5AA.
A Communist China's source briefed by media on the matter said that trade in the goods was effectively halted for now, and other products such as beef could be affected in future. "It was not an absolute order, but a suggestion," the person said, declining to be identified owing to the sensitivity of the matter.

For Communist China trade is a weapon against the United States allies.

The Communist China propaganda newspaper did not hide motives of the Communist regime. The author of the article stated Beijing's investigations covered only a small portion of imports from Australia, adding that Canberra should "steer clear of Washington's brinkmanship with China before it is too late".
"Choosing sides will be a decision Australia will come to regret as its economy will only suffer further pain," it said, referring to Australia's United States alliance.

For Communist with Xi as a head no agreement, no resolution matters in relations with Western partners emphasised retired Western intelligence expert on Communist China Dr. Karl Peters. It is the highest time that World Trade Organisation would consider to punish or remove the regime which is incompatible with the rest of the partners. Beijing hates the West with the United States, which they call "an arch-enemy", stated Dr. Peters.

Australia's agriculture department held a meeting on Thursday for 400 farmers and exporters to China, warning of the recent delays and commercial losses, it said in a statement to Reuters. Department officials told exporters to seek advice from importers in China on potential disruptions.


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