Chinese Communists Stopped Hiding They Are Doctoring The Coronavirus Statistics
The Communist authorities decided that the patient with positive laboratory results but without symptoms will not be included in the official statistics, the document revealed.
In reply to the increase of an infections with the coronavirus Communist China’s regime changed the reporting rules for the sick and deaths. Chinese Communist Party has continued to censor the information in the local media which for a short time was a source of some information about the contaminated provinces.
More than 500 doctors and nurses in Wuhan have been sick due to the deadly new strain of the coronavirus by mid-January, reported a semi-free Hong Kong daily newspaper. But, the paper emphasised, the medical staff was instructed to not to reveal a full picture to the public.
Consequently pursuing the policy of hide and lie to the outside world, Communist China’s National Health Commission has changed the definition of the confirmed case. According to the new guidelines, revealed by the free Hong-Kong newspaper Apple Daily, a patient without symptoms will not be regarded as the confirmed case.
“If symptom-free infected patient starts to show clinical signs”, the authors of the guidelines stated, “revise his categorisation to 'confirmed case'."
This move will not help to understand the scope and breadth of the catastrophe, but will empower Communist China propaganda, its residents in Western countries and the Chinese Communist Party agents of influence within Western media, business and political parties to claim that the epidemic has been contained, the observers stated.
Chinese Communist Party decided to reject even own experts like Dr Zhong Nanshan who together with 37 colleagues describing the clinical cases of the coronavirus in China stated that patients who are infected may not reveal any symptoms but can transmit the virus.
Last week, the World Health Organisation defined the confirmed case as a person with a laboratory confirmed sickness irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms.
The regime information agency Xinhua has proven that the Communist China’s local authorities utilised new guidelines. On February 9, 2020 the Xinhua informed that Heilongjiang authorities explained that 13 lab-positive cases were deducted because they had no symptoms.
“Chinese government is now officially cheating”, commented Harvard epidemiologist Dr Eric Feigl-Ding.
The peak of the coronavirus outside of China not earlier than March or April
On Tuesday British newspapers reported that the specialists found that coronavirus incubation period has extended to 24 days - from 16 previously estimated.
The experts predict that the peak of the epidemic will take place in a month in Wuhan and maybe in a month or two in the rest of China. "The rest of the world will see the epidemics after that depending how well connected the country is with China", stated Public Health Professor Neil Ferguson from the faculty of medicine at Imperial College in London.
Every five days the infections doubles its speed, according to the non-Chinese sources.