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Chinese Nuclear Bombers On Taiwan's Skies


Communist China's H6 nuclear-capable bombers attached to an aviation regiment of the air force under the PLA Southern Theater Command as seen as on March 30, 2020. (AFP)

Yesterday and on Saturday Communist China's sent a record number of military aircraft into the nation’s air defense identification zone.

Fifteen Communist China's warplanes flew into Taiwan’s southwestern ADIZ on Sunday and thirteen entered the day before, the highest number observed in a single day this year, the Ministry of National Defense said.

On Saturday, eight Xian H-6K bombers, four Shenyang J-16 fighters and a Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft, entered the ADIZ, while yesterday there were two Y-8s, two Su-30s, four J-16s, six J-10 fighters and a Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft, the Ministry's official informed.

Taiwan's air force deployed missiles to "monitor" the incursion, the country's Defense Ministry said.

The intrusions mark the 19th and 20th days in 2021 that Beijing's military has violated Taiwan's airspace.

The intrusions mark the 19th and 20th days this month that Beijing's military has sent aircraft into the area, as Beijing continues to intensify its military pressure on Taiwan.

Communist China, invading sovereignty of Taiwan, has conducted almost daily flights over the waters between the southern part of Taiwan and the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands in the South China Sea in recent months.

However they have generally consisted of just one or two reconnaissance aircraft.

The presence of so many Chinese combat aircraft on this mission - Taiwan said it was made up of eight nuclear-capable H-6K bombers and four J-16 fighter jets - is unusual.

A map provided by Taiwan's Defense Ministry showed that the Chinese aircraft, which also included a Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft, flew over the same waters where the most recent Chinese missions have been taking place near the Pratas Islands, though still well away from mainland Taiwan.

Taiwan's air force warned away the Chinese aircraft and deployed missiles to monitor them, the ministry added, using standard wording for how it responds to such activities.

"Airborne alert sorties had been tasked, radio warnings issued and air defense missile systems deployed to monitor the activity," it said in a brief statement.

In March 2019 Taiwanese media tried to alarmed the world after Beijing deployed H6K bombers barely 450 km from their country. The Communist propaganda stated that the aircraft aims at long-distance patrol on the South China Sea. It did not clarify what is "the long-distance patrol" but revealed that the nuclear-capable bomber can reach targets as far as 9,000 kilometres.

In the autumn of 2019, several H-6 bombers' attached to Xingning Airbase flew to the ocean to the east of the Philippines via the Bashi Channel.

The appearance of these particular bombers over Taiwan on Saturday and Sunday fully vindicates concerns of the Taiwanese press and once again confirms that the Chinese have been systematically lying about their true intentions, stated the retired analysts of the Chinese military Dr. Wilhelm Roewensburger.


First Secretary of Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping at the destroyer Xining in Qingdao, Shandong province, on Apr 23, 2019. (AFP)



Beijing can launch pre-emptive attack

This month Beijing's regime amended country's National Defense Law shifting its policy to make it easier to launch a war.

The so-called Chinese National People’s Congress ratified the amendments on Dec. 26 last year, and they took effect on Jan. 1.

The law, which was introduced in 1997, serves as the parent legislation of all Chinese military regulations.

The amendments, allow Beijing to mobilize paramilitary forces, such as the Chinese People’s Armed Police and the Chinese militia, in a conflict.

One of the revisions added a provision permitting Beijing to defend its national interests and development interests, and resolve differences with the use of force.

Beijing has laid the groundwork for giving it the legal authority to launch war pre-emptively

According to Article 47 of the amended law, the government could fully or partially mobilize its forces, when its sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, security and development interests are threatened.

A visiting research fellow at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research in Taiwan Dr. Lin Cheng-jung warned that Beijing has laid the groundwork for giving it the legal authority to launch war pre-emptively.

The development interest suggest matters concerning the Taiwan Strait, South China Sea and Diaoyutai Islands, nontraditional threats, overseas interests, and security in space and on the Internet, Dr. Lin emphasised.

It might translate to Communist China being proactive on the battlefield by initiating a limited attack against aggressors or secession forces, and by seeking support from its allies, he explained.


Communist China's JH-7 fighter bomber as seen over Pacific on Jan 7, 2020. (USAF)

On Friday Communist China further escalated conflict with the statement of Beijing's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying who said that new Coastguard Law is to clarify authority of China's over Diaoyutai Islands.

The Diaoyu Islands are China's inherent territory and China upholds its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, Hua said.

US to Beijing: stop intimidate its neighbors

US President Biden's administration approached cautiously potentially the conflict with Beijing.

The United States notes with concern the pattern of ongoing PRC attempts to intimidate its neighbors, including Taiwan. We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure against Taiwan and instead engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan’s democratically elected representatives, the US Defense Department Spokesman Mr. Ned Price stated.

Mr. Price added that US will continue to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the Indo-Pacific region and assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defense capability.

Our commitment to Taiwan is rock-solid and contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region, the statement concluded.


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