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Chinese Remember that the Beijing Communist Regime Killed Heroic Doctor


A memorial for Dr. Li Wenliang erected outside the campus of the University of California in Los Angeles, after his death in February 2020. ( AFP)

An admiration for the physician falsely accused of lying about the Wuhan virus that led later to his death is evidence that CCP has been losing its propaganda war.

An an outpouring of admiration has been increasing in China as the one-year anniversary of his death approached.

Dr. Li Wenliang died February 7, 2020, after contracting the illness he warned classmates about in an online chat room. Before his death, he emerged as a hero to many Chinese citizens after stories of his treatment by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to circulate on social media. In early January 2020, Mr. Li was forced by the secret police to sign a statement denouncing his warning about what became known as Wuhan virus (dubbed by WHO differently to distract attention from Communist China) as an unfounded and illegal rumor.

You were wronged and people remember, said a comment on Mr. Li’s Weibo blogging page in early January 2021. Mr. Li’s Weibo page was referred to by some commenters as “China’s wailing wall” because many people share their frustrations there about hardships caused by the pandemic.

Dr. Li, it’s been a year since the reprimand, another commenter wrote. Hope there won’t be any reprimand in heaven, the author added.

Mr. Li became an international symbol of the Communist China’s cover-up of the origins and severity of the virus. Xi Jinping's regime struggled to explain why he was reprimanded for warning others about a new and potentially lethal virus.

Soon after Dr. Li’s death, Chinese Communist Party top officials in Wuhan and Beijing tried to stifle public criticism that they mismanaged the outbreak in Wuhan, and those efforts continue.

Communist censors are trying to erase the recent history of the Wuhan virus pandemic

The Communist China's regime has recently deployed an army of censors to scrub the internet of critical coverage of the Wuhan outbreak, the independent sources reported.

This fact is evidence that the Chinese Communist Party propaganda did not succeed to erase the truth about pandemic from Chinese minds, said in an interview with The Owner Dr. Jack Dougherty, a former intelligence analyst and advisor to several Western governments.  It is heartening news amidst the bad news coming every day from Beijing, he concluded.

The efforts persist even though the Beijing regime had to retract its reprimand of Mr. Li. Hours after he died, Beijing sent investigators to Wuhan to look into the case. Almost two months after Mr. Li’s death, police in Wuhan revoked the reprimand and apologized to his family.

Censorship efforts, however, were unrelenting as the anniversary of his death approached.

Censors erased from Chinese websites terms including “first anniversary” and “whistleblower,” and a recent propaganda directive banned coverage of the anniversary of the Wuhan outbreak.

The journalists affiliated with foreign press they were told to avoid drawing attention to the anniversary and abandon plans to interview people who lost relatives to the Wuhan virus.

The CCP also made sure journalists and citizens were paying attention to its censorship directives when it sentenced Ms. Zhang Zhan, a 37-year-old citizen journalist, to four years in prison in December 2020 for chronicling the outbreak in Communist China. Her live reports were widely shared on social media, and she was fiercely critical of the Beijing regime for its virus containment and the silencing of whistleblowers. She was officially convicted of the so-called picking quarrels and provoking trouble.


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