Document: Doctor Whistleblower from Wuhan Intimidated by the Chinese Communist Party
The new document shows the extent of the intimidation and persecution launched by the Chinese Communist Party against the doctor-whistleblower in Wuhan.
Communist China's authorities forced doctor Li Wenliang from Central Wuhan Hospital to talk about his diagnosis of the seven patients with the virus that appeared as SARS to him. Dr Wenliang immediately alerted his colleagues to his discovery. He also posted this information on the WeChat messenger which shocked the world.
According to a new document, revealed by the Swedish human rights defender Mr Peter Dahlin, Communist Party Secret Police approached the doctor from Wuhan with threats. The secret police officer forced the doctor to make two declarations to the Communist Party. In that document, the Communist police called Dr Wenliang brave actions “unlawful spreading of untruthful topics”, “unlawful behaviour” and “disturbing the Social Order”.
Dr Wenliang had to agree for co-operating with the Communist police argued Mr Dahlin, who is also director of Safeguard Defenders organisation. "This type of 'agreement' is common between police and persecuted", Swedish human rights defender stated on his tweeter.
In the same document, the Communist police threatened the doctor: “you will experience the sanction of law.”
On Friday morning, after the death of Dr Wenliang Communist Party ordered his medical colleague to reconnect him to the medical equipment and pretend that he has been critically ill. These facts were revealed by the BBC.
When the Party finally allowed to reveal to the world, that Dr Wenliang passed away the Communist flagship propaganda newspaper Global Times called the doctor, who revealed that the virus attacked the human population in Wuhan a whistleblower. But the fact that Communist Secret Police severely persecuted and intimidated doctor, not allowing him to share with whatever knowledge he had learnt, was hidden.