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East Turkestan, The Magnificent Country That Communist China Banned


An Ughur family in the city of Aqsu as seen in 1992. (LifeM/Archives)

In the early history of Asian nations, the word "Uyghur" meant a person who was educated and represented high culture.

Disclaimer: This article has no separatist connotations. It is meant to popularise historical truth that the Beijing regime has been hiding since the onset of the Chinese Communist Party planted by the Soviets. It is not written against anyone but rather for a wide audience that has learned it neither at school, nor it was informed by the media.

Uygurstan with more than 1.7 million square metres was founded in the very centre of Asian continent. Italy, Spain, France, Denmark and the United Kingdom together could fit in that vast territory.

It shares its northern and northern-west border with Mongolia, Russia, and Kazakhstan, the western part of it with Tajikistan, south-western one with India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the south border with China. Its western border of more than 3,000 kilometres is the longest one.

Distinct language, unique outfit

Uyghurs characters are Tatar and the grammar and lingual system in itself was formed under strong influence of Turkish language. But Uyghurs developed their writing system read from left to right in the eight century, according to the British historian Roger Bacon. But some other historians including German Gotto and Barthold see the influence of the Syrian culture.

A geographical location of Uyghurstan. (Archives)

Bacon wrote that Uyghurs were excellent scribes. "That is why the Tatars borrowed their letters, and they are the great Tatar scribes. And they write from top to bottom and multiply lines from left to right and so read", he informed.

Uyghurs' national outfit with elegant women's skirts and men's uniforms and traditional hats distinguishes itself from the traditional Asian long robes.

Its economy over the centuries resembles more European and Middle Eastern style than the typical underdeveloped Asian forms.

Uyghurs are the majority of populations where Kazakh, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Tatars and some Chinese repatriants are living who historically had accidental relations with this country.

Uygurstan received a name of Xinjiang that means "a new territory" when it became part of pre-Communist China in 1759.

Uyghurstan links Asia with European culture

Its magnificent history is rooted in the flow of the events that took place before our era (B.C.E.). In the third century before the beginning of our era. The tribes of Uyghurs led by Oguz-khan formed their first state "Hunna".

The lands that are called today Communist China, at that time, paid a tribute and taxes to Hunna.

In the first century of our era, Hunna was divided into northern and southern parts. During the fourth century, significant groups of Uyghurs moved to the areas of Europe over the southern part of the Dunabe river. Huns were challenging the corrupted and bankrupt Roman Empire in the fourth century.

To summarise the development of the Uyghur statehood which acquired its culture from Turkey it is worthy to mention seven stages of the formation of Uyghurstan:

- 627-715 - an Uyghur leader Butsar established Tugla Khanate,
- 745 - 840 - Kutlyk Bigle Khagan founded the Uyghur Khanate on Orgon,
- 850 - 1028 - an Uyghur leader Patekin established the Uygur Khanate of Kensu
- 866 - 1315 - a leader Buga-tekhin established the state of Arslankhanov
- 880 - 1218 - the foundation of Uyghur Karakhinid state,
- 1214 - 1550 - during the Chengiz-Khan era, Uyghurs developed their political system of the state of Chahatay
- 1514 - 1680 - a formation of Sadeey-Uyghurstan by Sultan Said-khan.

400 uprisings against the Chinese occupation in 200 years

Chinese empire had invaded Uyghurstan in 1759. But Uyghurs did not agree with the occupation. From the nineteenth century to the late 1990s they battled against the occupant in 400 national uprisings.


Uyghur national leadership in 1935. (Archives)

Some of these uprisings ended with the re-establishment of the state. For instance, in 1864 the victorious leader Yaqubbeq had founded Illiy Sultanat. But Chinese invaded it once again in 1871.

The last time Uyghurs won their independence in 1944 they established once again a state of East Turkestan. The name emphasised their links with the country that is traditionally perceived as located at the gate of Europe on the road to Asia.

Five years later, the Soviet Union with the help of its agents sold the country to Beijing's Chinese Communist Party regime.

Shaped by Arabic and Islamic cultural influences a tolerant nation from its beginning

Despite the myth spread by Chinese Communist Party propaganda, Uyghurs were a tolerant nation. According to the Arab traveler Abu Dulaf, at least two monasteries of the Eastern Orthodox Christian church were located in Uyghurstan in the thirteen century (between 1209-1275). Mongols called them "tarsa", which meant Christians. Although the main source of Uyghur culture was Islamic and Arabic heritage.

In a Syrian chronologist, Gregory Abdul-Faraj observed that Karaites, an offshoot of Samaritans, lived in Uyghuristan in 1266.

In 1909 the archeologist found a parchment with this legend - prayer in the area of Aksu city where one of the Christian monasteries was located:

"As soon as those Magi (mоγos) reached Bethlehem (Bidilχ), this star did not move and stopped. Then there they found the Messiah-God (Msiχa T (a) nri-ig). At that time they with reverence, coming close, entered [into the cave] They opened their packs and begged very much [to accept] their gifts, which they brought - three different treasures: gold, myrrh and incense, and also bowed and offered up to the Lord God the Messiah (Ilik Qan Msiχa T (a) ηri- ka) praise and glorification Those magicians at the entrance [into the cave] thought so: If He is the Son of God (T (a) ηriOγly), then he will take myrrh and incense. If He is the King (Ilik Qan), then he will take gold. He is a doctor-doctor (Otacy amci), then he will take the medicines. With these thoughts they presented [gifts] on a tray. The Son of the Eternal God (MaηυT (a) ηri Oγly), Lord Messiah (Ilik Qan Msiχa), having cognized the heart thoughts of those magicians, immediately took all three different gifts and said so to them: “O sorcerers, you entered with three different thoughts. I (same) and the Son of God (T (a) ηri Oγly), I and the King (Ilik Qan), I and the Doctor (Otacy amci). No doubt you go "

T (a) ηri means Heaven, Deity, God. Ilik is a word for Lord, Lord. While Ilik Qan Msiχa T (a) ηri means Lord Khan Messiah God and the Oγly - His Son. Maηu is eternal.

Communist China has banned this beautiful and magnificent country. And under Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party has launched persecution of Uyghurs. The renowned English lawyers assessed that these crimes constitute a crime of genocide. China has committed that crime.


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