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Yes, Ethiopian Army Liberates Country From Terrorist Marxist Group


Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, has ordered the federal army to end an attempt of the Marxist terrorist group with roots in the Soviet-sponsored terrorism and support of Chinese Communist Party to break up the country.



After an ultimatum to surrender the forces in the conflict region of Tigray, Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered a final military offensive. The residents of Mekele - the capital of - are being called on to lay down their arms, stay in their homes and stay away from military targets, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said on Facebook. Efforts will be made to protect civilians during the offensive.

It is also important to emphasise the fact that the so-called forces of Tigray, called by the majority of Western media "separatists", attacked the Ethiopian army the first. Mr. Sekuture Getachew, a high-level TPLF official, admitted on Dimsti Weyane TV show that the TPLF conducted a “preemptive strike” against the Ethiopian National Defense Force Norther Command.

The recently resurfaced document from the archives of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union throws a different light on the group which the majority of Western media call "separatist".

Mr. Abiy faces the Tigray People Liberation Front, an adversary with the perfect military and propaganda skills obtained from the best trainers of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Despite press reports, the group whose complete name is Popular Struggle for the Freedom of Tigray has never abandoned Marxism-Leninism. According to Western intelligence, the core of the political propaganda instructors are graduates of the courses at the Communist Party of Sudan, which stayed in close contact with its Soviet center until, at least, 1989, the document suggests.

Ethiopia Prime Minister faces the Tigray People Liberation Front, an armed Marxist group
founded with the support Soviet Union
and maintained with the help of the Chinese Communist Party.

The top-secret two-pages document of the Secretariat of the Soviet Communist Party dated June 24, 1988, reveals that the Soviet Defence Ministry and Military Intelligence, GRU, trained twenty members of the Sudanese Communist Party at the three months course in 1988. The documents were signed by nearly all of the then-members of the Secretariat, that is true Soviet government, including pro-Perestroika, the closest Gorbachev aide Alexander Yakovlev. The document contains information about such request of the top leader of the Sudanese Communist Party, Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Nugud, to the Deputy International Department of the Soviet Party that was de facto Soviet Foreign Ministry Mr. K. Brutentz.

The group's target is the traditional, mainly Christian society that was oppressed by the decades by the Soviet Union's appointed leaders of Communist Ethiopia. The idea of the fight against the religious Ethiopians was planted to a group of students by the Soviets at the People's Friendship University, also known as Patrice Lumumba University, from which graduated top terrorists of the world including leaders of the People's Liberation Front of Palestine and even al-Qaeda. The Soviet-trained students co-wrote the Tigray People Liberation Front’s manifesto in 1968.

The Front’s manifesto, composed according to the principles of Leninist militant atheism, clearly states the extermination of Amhara ethnic people and an Orthodox Church.

The Tigray Marxists have been destabilising the political situation in Ethiopia for months.

Ethiopia's government launched an offensive against the Tigray People's Liberation Front three weeks ago.

WHO Director against the Ethiopian government

The Marxist TPLF dominated Ethiopian politics for three decades before the current Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy came to power in 2018. Current Director of World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as Marxist party's official and country's foreign minister helped China to increase influence on Ethiopian economy by borrowing US$13 billion from Beijing. Mr. Tedros, during this current conflict, continues to support its Marxist allies. (The Ethiopian newspaper Tigrai Online listed him as an Executive Member of Central Committee of Tigray Peoples Liberation Front. In the 1990s, the US government labeled this group as terrorist. )

Chinese Communist Party benefactor of the clashes in Ethiopia

It is hard not to believe that the corrupted Ethiopian Marxist politicians used Chinese loans to amass weapons, buy political support, and to train terrorists. The Tigray group wants to make sure that Marxist-Leninist groups have leverage against the government in Ethiopia, a specialist on Soviet strategy who advised Western governments during the Cold War, Dr. Jack Woolsey told the Owner. Chinese Communist Party is an obvious benefactor of this destabilisation, which is portrayed in media as a defence of innocent people against the aggression of the government while it is the opposite situation.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Chinese Communist Party took responsibility for financing, arming, and training its front-organisations and fellow-travelers like official and underground Communist parties around the world in the Western countries and its allies.

Beijing, following Soviet Leninist tactics, supports its Marxist allies around the world, without fanfares like the historic document has shown, through the Foreign Department of Chinese Communist Party, its de facto Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The victory of Mr. Abiy in the last elections allowed Ethiopia to launch an offensive against a Marxist group, which has been supported by ideological friends, Communist parties, and its allies around the world, including the Chinese Communist Party.


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