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Facebook Censors in Vietnam



Despite the fact that Facebook violated privacy rights of its millions users and avoided punishment in 2018, the social media continues to take sides of totalitarian regimes.


In June 2019 Mr Nguyen Ngoc Anh, 38, was accused of “making and spreading anti-state information and materials” at the one-day trial at the Vietnam's Communist Court of Ben Tre province in the Mekong Delta. A Facebook user was sentenced to six years in prison.
In November 2015 Mr Nguyen Huu Quoc Duy, 31, was accused of using Facebook page "to incite others to oppose the government". He was sentenced to three years in prison.

Even though the Communist regime unjustly sentenced a few dozens of Facebook users to long prison terms over the years, Facebook has been one of the last spaces of relatively free speech for Vietnamese freedom fighters. But last year Communists in Hanoi decided to end freedom in Internet imposing rules which can be only compared with the heavy totalitarian grip of Beijing.

Vietnam is the failed state ruled by the backward and corrupted Communist Party regime which keeps tight control of media and tolerates little dissent, ranking 175th of 180 countries on Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index. The Comrades and their families violate human rights as their Chinese counterparts but the West has been tolerating Hanoi due to its strategic location in Asia.

Cunny Vietnamese Communists are exploiting, as much as they can, this forced tolerance of the Western countries. The Western companies such as Facebook are helping inhumane Vietnamese regime by prioritising profits over any rights of its users including human rights of Vietnamese.

Vietnamese Communists who are have followed the pattern of Beijing positions their agents around the world under the guise of pro-bono immigration despite the Western concessions in the trade did not rebuild the human rights culture in their country. Contrary to that they increased persecution of freedom fighters, including bloggers, sentencing them for long prison.

Bloggers used mostly Facebook which was beyond the control of the Vietnamese Communist Party's censors. But since this year Facebook has switched the sides.

In an email, to Reuters, the social media giant confirmed it had reluctantly complied with the government’s request to “restrict access to content which it has deemed to be illegal”.

The human rights group, including Amnesty International, demanded from Facebook to reverse the decision.

“Facebook’s compliance with these demands sets a dangerous precedent. Governments around the world will see this as an open invitation to enlist Facebook in the service of state censorship,” the group said in a statement on Wednesday.

But the social media giant made clear that it prefers to take the side of the Communist Vietnamese regime because it guarantees profits. It will not change the decision: "We did commit to restricting significantly more content".



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