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Five Years After the Attack Mohammed Caricature Published Again


French magazine Charlie Ebdo republished twelve caricatures of Prophet Mohammed, which were one of the reasons the terrorists murdered the journalists, and the other people including at the Kosher Market in Paris five years ago.

The trial of the Islamist attackers, the brothers Chérif and Saïd Kouachi and of Amedy Coulibaly opened Wednesday in Paris. The courthouse was under siege, reported the Le Monde journalist.

In the main hall of the court, Mr Richard Malka who, with his partner Lorraine Gay, represented Charlie Hebdo, urged the press: "Let us not be afraid, neither of terrorism nor freedom. Deep down, Charlie is convinced that it is right to refuse to give up our freedoms, to give up laughter, to give up even blasphemy. "

"The defendants were not bystanders," emphasised the lawyer for relatives of the victims of the Kosher meat market at the Porte de Vincennes.

"I would like us to talk about a word, a word that has disappeared from this procedure, it is “anti-Semitism.” We knew that that day for Jews was the most sacred, the most family time of the week."

All of the defendants helped in the preparation of the terrorist attack.

The clerk read 200 names of the families of the victims. It was the most important of the first day of the trial - the symbolic reopening of the reality, which was still alive in French minds.

It was a good reason to ask how strong was support for Charlie Ebdo?

On Thursday, the special issue of the weekly on the the terrorist attacks in January 7, 8 and 9, 2015 hit French bookstores. On the cover images of three pages with twelve caricatures of Prophet Muhammad and the title: "All of this for that".

French are still Charlie

After five years, the popular daily newspaper Le Figaro published results of the poll by the French Institute of Public Opinion that indicated the majority of French are still Charlie. In 2020, 59 per cent are supporting the publication of the Prophet Muhammad cartoons. It is an increase of 21 points compared to the similar poll in 2015. Two-thirds of the French population say they do not understand the outrage that these cartoons can provoke among Muslims.

On the other hand, 69 per cent of French Muslims surveyed believe that the journalists "were wrong" to publish these cartoons, "because it constituted an unnecessary provocation". Still, 73 per cent of Muslims surveyed say they understand the indignation triggered by these publications, against only 29 per cent of French people as a whole.

Only 8 per cent of French people, including 18 per cent of Muslims, do not condemn the attack on Charlie Hebdo. A statistic that is growing among 15-24-year-olds: 21 per cent of young French people and 26 per cent of young French Muslims do not condemn jihadists.

French Muslims: Islam Incompatible With French Values

And 29 per cent of French Muslims surveyed stated, "Islam is incompatible with the values ​​of French society". Finally, 61 per cent of the Muslims questioned agree with the statement "Islam is the only true religion".

The French Institute of Public Opinion surveyed with a sample of 1020 people representative of the entire population living in mainland France aged 15 and older, but also with a sample of 515 people, representative of the Muslim population.


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