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French President Visits Iraq In Hope To Prevent The Revival of ISIS


Mr Emmanuel Macron landed in Baghdad on Wednesday, beginning his first visit to the country in hope to strengthen young democracy.


French president during his one-day visit will talk with top Iraq and Kurdistan Region officials.

His meeting with the Kurdistan Region president Nechirvan Barzani is set to include "security, the fight against ISIS, and political stability across Iraq,” KRG foreign relations department head Safeen Dizayee told Rudaw Radio on Tuesday.

Macron is set to meet with Iraqi president Barham Salih and prime minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, an Iraqi government source told AFP on Monday, and is also "hoping to hold talks with a range of political actors."

The focus of French president, the Iraqi sources said, would be on "sovereignty" - insisting Baghdad carve out an independent path away from the tug-of-war between its two main allies, Washington and Tehran.

“The fight for Iraq’s sovereignty is essential,” French head of the state had told reporters on Friday, before departing for Lebanon. He stated Iraqis, who “suffered so much,” deserved options besides domination by regional powers or extremism.

“There are leaders and a people who are aware of this, and who want to take their destiny in hand. The role of France is to help them do so,” President Macron said.

The message will echo that of France's top diplomat Jean-Yves Le Drian during a trip to Iraq in July, when he insisted Baghdad "should dissociate itself from regional tensions".

The political stability in Iraq is not only important for the region destroyed by the recent wars, but also to the recovery of global economy to which the country contributes with a large percentage of the energy sources supply.


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