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NZ Investigates A New Virus Outbreak


A higher alert level in parts of Auckland may mean limits on gatherings and extra precautions on social distancing.

A person who took a Wuhan virus test and had symptoms went to work in the busy shop in inner-city Auckland despite being advised to isolate is a reason why New Zealand health officials are asking those who work in downtown to stay home tomorrow.

That person is suspected to contract Wuhan virus from within the community, the representative of the Ministry of Health said in a statement.

In addition to getting in contact with some close friends, the person visited retail outlets and used Uber cars during the period when he was infectious, the ministry said.

We are asking people to take enhanced precautions of working from home, wearing masks, social distancing so we can get the extra time that we need to get extra information, Minister for the pandemic Response Chris Hipkins told reporters Thursday.

We won't make any decisions around alert levels until tomorrow, he added.

A higher alert level may mean limits on gatherings and extra precautions on social distancing.


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