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Professionals Doubt in Politicians Claims About Readiness for Coronavirus




Professional groups appealed to the politicians worldwide to appropriate more funds for a battle with a little known deadly virus.



      The essential information:

  • WHO announces the outbreak of the sicknesses an global health emergency.
  • the US and other Western governments are discouraging anyone to go to China.
  • More than 200 people have died, nearly 100 infections outside of China.
  • Medical professionals are advising to stop buying Chinese products.


European professionals expressed serious doubts in the confident statements of the politicians about the readiness of their country for the counteraction against the Coronavirus. French, German, Swiss and Austrian doctors warned that the danger for a population is significant. Italian doctors even called upon the government to treat an issue as "a plague of the twenty-first century".

On Friday France informed about the sixth person infected with the coronavirus. The sick patients, according to the official statement, returned from China in the last few weeks. German medical services revealed that two individuals who were positively identified had contact with Chinese citizens who arrived from China.

The German Medical Association does not consider hospitals in Germany to be sufficiently prepared for the novel coronavirus. Single rooms with pre-locks are ideal for patients with this virus, but there are not very many lefts, said the chamber's pandemic officer, Susanne Johna, of the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. The number of these rooms had been reduced in the past decade due to cost reasons.

Johna said that if there is an urgent need for treatment, so-called single boxes are needed in intensive care units to minimise the risk of transmission. There are also too few of these due to their cost.

Wuhan. A biodefence unit disinfecting the street.
An officer of the biodefense unit is disinfecting the streets of Tsindao town on
Jan 29, 2020. (AFP)

The hygiene expert, who is also chair of the medical union Marburger Bund, called the new virus from China a wake-up call. There is not only a need to catch up in terms of hospital equipment. The public health service is also "massively understaffed" in many places. There is a shortage of doctors and specialist staff.|


Fifth case of infection in Germany

Germany confirmed the fifth case of infection with the new virus on Thursday evening. As in the other four German cases, it is an employee of the automotive supplier Webasto based in Starnberg in Upper Bavaria, as the Bavarian Ministry of Health announced.

German Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn emphasised that Germany is well prepared for the virus. In an interview with Focus magazine, he said that the federal government had taken measures to identify suspected cases early. Spahn stated: "We are very vigilant. But calm."


One dead per hour

In China, infections and deaths continued to rise as a result of the novel coronavirus. The number of patients grew by 1,981 to 9,809, according to the Beijing Health Commission and the World Health Organisation. The number of deaths rose to 213. The majority of infections are in Mainland China, but 98 cases were confirmed in 18 other countries.

A German mathematician calculated that the speed of the virus infection is at 3,000 per cent per week in China. The death is reaping its harvest with a speed of one person succumbing to the illness per hour.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the spread of the virus to be a "health emergency of international importance". The 190 member countries will thus coordinate the crisis measures recommended by the WHO.

The U.S. Department of State issued a travel warning for all of China because of the virus. The Federal Foreign Office in Berlin initially warned against trips to the most affected province of Hubei, but recommended in a partial trip warning to postpone unnecessary trips to China "as far as possible".

The major world airlines including El Al, Lufthansa, Air France, British Airways, American Airlines and Air Canada suspended their flights to and from China for at least a month.

Who got infected and what are the symptoms?

Around the world, nearly a ten thousand people are now ill, and more than two hundred patients - most of them with previous illnesses - have died of pneumonia as a result of the virus. The first cases of the infection outside of China became known in Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and South Korea. In the last few days many other countries confirmed the cases of coronavirus including New Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, USA, Canada, Germany, France, and Italy. The sick patients are travellers who had previously been to Wuhan or neighbouring Chinese provinces. On January 21, US authorities reported the first infection to a tourist returning from Wuhan, and on January 24, the first cases in France became known. Typical signs of infection are fever, cough and difficulty breathing but the virus activate itself suddenly often without any previous symptoms. A person loses conscience and collapses. The virus can cause a pneumonia, which can be fatal. Since it is a viral disease, the antibiotics do not help. Chinese military should have revealed an antidote but taking under account that Communist China is in the state of permanent war with the West - it will never happen.

What are the origins of the coronavirus?

At the end of 2019, approximately November, the Chinese authorities reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) an accumulation of pneumonia of unknown cause in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. A week later, Chinese researchers identified a new virus as the cause of the disease. It belongs to the group of corona viruses. A few days later, a group around the virologist Christian Drosten from the Berlin Charité published the first diagnostic test for the new virus, which researchers tentatively call 2019-nCoV. The virus can thus be detected in the laboratory. The Chinese authorities suspect that the source of the pathogen is a food market in Wuhan, in which exotic animals such as snakes were sold in addition to fish and seafood. The market was closed and disinfected. Some Western intelligence analysts doubted whether this explanation is complete. According to them, the virus was leaked from the People's Liberation Army biological weapon laboratories in Wuhan in early November.  

Which coronaviruses are known?

SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome) respiratory diseases are caused by coronaviruses that originate in animals. During the SARS pandemic, around 8,000 people became infected in 2002 and 2003, and more than 750 died. Since its discovery, 2,400 people have been infected with the MERS virus, and one in three has died of it. In total there are several hundred types of corona viruses. For example, many of them affect the respiratory tract and can cause colds.  

How one can get infected?

It is now clear that the virus can be transmitted from person to person. Communist China's authorities have confirmed several such transmissions after a dozen medical personnel cases have been reported. Doctors assume that the virus is transmitted primarily via droplet infection. As announced on January 24, the World Health Organisation currently expects an infected person to infect 1.4 to 2.5 other people on average. If these numbers prove to be true, the virus is less contagious than SARS and also the virus flu. The WHO recommends that general hygiene rules be observed: one should wash one's hands frequently and avoid close contact with people with respiratory diseases and wild animals. One needs to avoid Chinese food products produced before October 2019, especially the noodles, the duck meat, fish, seafood and pork, which are known carriers of the coronaviruses. But some medical professionals are warning against the purchase of any product made in China for an indefinite time. Some are advising against the ordering any products from Thailand and Vietnam where the political system is non-transparent and the regime would hide the truth like the Chinese Communist Party.    


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