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Ruhani: Iran Rules Out Changes to the Nuclear Deal


Iran leader Hasan Ruhani. (AFP)

The Iranian regime has rejected changes to the international nuclear agreement and the possibility of inclusion of additional states in the pact concluded in 2015. But critics of the Deal repeated that it only sets for Iran the date, it can restart construction of the nuclear bombs.

"Not a single paragraph will change and there will be no new negotiating partners," said Iranian leader Mr. Hassan Ruhani on state television.

Mr. Ruhani replied to calls from the USA and the three European negotiating partners to deal with issues such as Iran's Middle East policy and its missile program in future nuclear talks. French President Emanuel Macron also called for Saudi Arabia, currently one of Tehran's archenemies, to participate in the negotiations. The regime in Tehran called for the US sanctions to be lifted before a return to the agreement and has proposed the EU as a mediator in the nuclear dispute.

Former US President Donald Trump left the nuclear deal in 2018. With a policy of "maximum pressure", the US government wanted to persuade the leadership in Tehran to renegotiate the agreement and agree to stricter conditions. In response, Iran gradually ceased to adhere to its technical obligations from the nuclear deal since 2019. The Vienna Agreement was intended to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, in return the sanctions against the country should be lifted.

Mr. Blinken wants a stronger nuclear deal

The new US Secretary of State Mr. Antony Blinken has announced that he will work with international partners towards a "stronger nuclear deal" with Iran. However, the time window is quite small at first. In Iran, a new president will be elected in June. Incumbent Mr. Ruhani is no longer allowed to run after two terms. Easing the tough US sanctions should strengthen the moderate wing in the election.

Mr. Ruhani criticized the US for "illegally" withdrawing from the agreement. But there is a possibility that they will return. Iran's position is simple and clear: If the US under President Joe Biden should return to the nuclear agreement and implement the deal in accordance with the treaty, then Tehran will immediately meet its obligations again.

The Deal gives a date to Iran when it is allowed to build a nuclear bomb

According to Israeli estimates, Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to build a single atomic bomb within six months. Energy Minister Mr. Juval Steinitz told Kan on Tuesday that Tehran could manufacture several nuclear weapons within one to two years. To build an atomic bomb, around 25 kilograms of weapons-grade uranium are required, which must be 90 percent enriched.


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