Russian, Chinese Bombers Intrude Korea's High-Alert Airspace

South Korea said it scrambled fighter jets in response to nineteen Russian and Chinese military aircraft that suddenly flew into its air defense identification zone on Tuesday.
Four Communist China's warplanes entered the Korea Air Defence Identification Zone, followed by 15 Russian aircraft, according to South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff. The South Korean military dispatched air force fighters to take tactical measures.
The South Korean military said the Chinese military had informed South Korea that its planes carried out routine training before the Chinese aircraft entered the zone. This incident seems to be a joint military drill between China and Russia, but it requires further analysis, Korea's military stated.
Russian Ministry of Defence published a vague statement that the Russian Airforce joint air patrols with the Chinese military.
During the ten-hour patrolled two Tu-95MS Russian strategic bombers and four Chinese Khun-6K strategic bombers patrolled Japan and East China Seas. Russia's Su-35S fighters escorted the bombers.

At certain stages of the route, strategic missile carriers were accompanied by F-15 fighters of the Japanese Air Force, the author of the Russian Defence Ministry stated. The joint patrols, a part of the military cooperation Plan for 2021, were not directed against other countries, the author concluded.
The goal of the intrusion was not clear. But in an interview with The Owner, a former Pentagon high official and who spoke under the condition of anonymity said that the maneuvers of both airforces indicated an increased level of military readiness in the region. The official, who closely watched Russian-Chinese military cooperation, has suggested one of the motivations of the sudden fly-in of the strategic bombers could have been a test of some sensors and communication systems.
South Korea's foreign ministry contacted China and Russia and communicated to them there should not be a recurrence, Yonhap news agency reported.
An informal military alliance of Beijing and Moscow in the Pacific and Asia region
The second intrusion of one of the most sensitive areas of the world, in just 17 months, has revealed the real motivation of Russia and China.
Both countries, which are not hiding their goal to push off the United States from Asia, have just confirmed that their military solidarity is strong. Russia will support China in its future military operations in the Pacific and South Asia region.

The world is in "an era of great power rivalry," in which China and Russia are the main strategic rivals of the United States, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said in July. According to him, Communist China is a more significant problem since the country has a "population and economy to oust the US." Russia is "a slightly less complex challenge" but is "the world's troublemaker," Mr. Esper stated.
Communist China's is a significant problem to the West,
Putin's Russia is the world's troublemaker.
The rapprochement between Russia and China could pose a threat to US national interests, Mr. Doug Bandow, an expert at The National Interests, observed in September. According to him, the countries moved to a new level of cooperation after Washington imposed sanctions on Moscow and launched an economic war with Beijing. The expert believes that the United States should not allow an alliance between Russia and China and make some concessions, in particular, to curtail NATO's expansion to the East.
Beijing called friendship with Russia solid as a rock. According to Communist China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the two countries play the role of a "global stabilizer."
In October, Russian leader Vladimir Putin admitted he could form a military alliance between Moscow and Beijing.