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Scientist: Recovered from COVID-19 Are Not Immune


A clinical microbiologist, at the the University of Hong Kong stated that patients who have recovered from Wuhan virus should not be assumed to be immune.

Dr Kelvin Kai-Wang To, a clinical microbiologist, at the the University of Hong Kong and his colleagues stated that people who have recovered from Wuhan virus should not be assumed to be immune.

Genetic sequencing by the scientists at the University established that the second episode, in an otherwise healthy 33-year-old man, was caused by a slightly different strain.

Researchers had hoped that the man’s immune system would still have recognized and fought off the virus at the second encounter.

Dutch television NOS featured virologist Marion Koopmans who informed the patient in the Netherlands reinfected with Wuhan virus was an older person with a weakened immune system.

Ms Koopmans, an adviser to the Dutch government, said reinfections had been expected.

“That someone would pop up with a reinfection, it doesn’t make me nervous,” she said. “We have to see whether it happens often.”

Belgian virologist Marc Van Ranst told Belgian told in interview with television VRT that he had not been surprised by the Hong Kong reinfection.

“For us, it was not news because we have also had such a case in Belgium,” he told the Terzake program.

The Belgian case was a woman who had contracted the Wuhan virus for the first time in the second week of March and for the second time in June.


“Our findings suggest that the [Wuhan] virus may persist in the global human population, as is the case for other common cold associated human coronaviruses, even if patients have acquired immunity via natural infection."

The HK scientists findings challenge the Pharmaceutical companies claim about the long-lasting immunity of their prototypes of the vaccinations.

It is also a very important signal that once the lockdowns are ended, there is a high probability of new outbreaks in the communities. The only protection are the social-distancing measures.


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