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Scotland Wants New Referendum on Independence


Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon intends to hold an independence referendum right after the general election. Scotland is willing return to the EU, she stated.


If the Scottish National Party wins the general election, Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon intends to hold a second independence referendum as soon as possible. Next May we will ask you, the people of Scotland, to place your trust in us so that we can continue this task of building a better country, she stated at the SNP's annual virtual party conference. Scotland has the right to choose independence "if a majority of us want it".

In the first referendum in 2014, 55 per cent of the Scots voted to remain in Great Britain. In view of Brexit, however, according to the SNP, a new vote is necessary: ​​in the British referendum on leaving the EU in 2016, a majority of the Scottish population voted in favor of remaining in the EU.  Most recently, opinion polls showed that Scots support for independence from Great Britain rose to a record high.

In 2016 referendum, a majority of Scottish voters opted for
remaining in the European Union.

Sturgeon also turned to the EU at the party congress. You are part of what we are - and always will be. You are not far from us, she said in the direction of the remaining EU member states. To those who have come from other countries to live in ours, thank you for that - please stay. According to Sturgeon, Scotland wants to return to the EU as an independent member state soon.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson firmly rejects another vote. The Scots voted on it and they voted to remain part of the UK, said Johnson's spokesman Jamie Davies. Under UK law, the regional government in Scotland must also ask the central government for permission to hold a referendum. Sturgeon had already announced that it would also file a lawsuit against this regulation if necessary.


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