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Taiwan Calls For Alliance For Defense Against Communist China


Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu are setting off to visit allies in the Caribbean and the United States on July 11, 2019.(OPRC via AFP)

Taiwan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu warned on Sunday the US, Europe, Japan and Australia, that if Taiwan were to fall prey to China it would greatly expand Beijing’s reach into the Pacific region and significantly affect the world order.

Taipei's Chief Diplomat stated that Taiwan needs more support of its Western partners in rejoining international bodies due to the increasing threat of Chinese invasion and occupation. Communist China's army has dramatically built up its military capabilities, increased aerial incursions and military drills, and sharpened its rhetoric against Taipei and the US for its support of Taiwan.

Beijing's activities in the South China and East China seas, its border skirmishes with India, and its crackdown on Hong Kong were evidence of it seeking to expand its authoritarian order, and that Taiwan was its next target, Mr. Wu stated.

Exchange intelligence with Taiwan

Wu said European countries had a renewed interest in the Indo-Pacific region, and Australia was facing “a very complicated Pacific” region.

If one of the most critical junctures of the first island chain is not in the hands of the like-minded countries, we can imagine what this is going to create in the global strategic picture, Wu said, referencing McCarthy-era fears of China’s navy reaching the US west coast. We definitely need to think about how we prevent it from happening, he added.

European countries have a renewed interest in the Indo-Pacific,
Australia is facing “a very complicated Pacific” region

He said Taiwan would appreciate intelligence information sharing and other non-military forms of support from other allies including Australia and Japan.

Rethink trade with Communist China

Wu also pointed to other modes of action other governments could take in resisting Beijing’s advances and supporting Taiwan, including rethinking trade.

Whoever is affected by Chinese expansionism will turn around and ask is it good for me to do business with this country? I’m sure you see that Japan, the United States, India, and now Australia, as well as many other countries, including in the European Union, are now saying: ‘Hey, maybe this is the time for us to rethink the strategy for dealing with China,’ Wu asked.

However, he acknowledged this often came at a cost, noting China’s willingness to restrict or sanction imports as a dispute tactic, most recently shown with its ban on Australian coal and tariffs on its wine.

This is when international alliances were most needed, Wu said


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