The Final Conclusion


Berlin has sufficient evidence that Kremlin attempted to kill Russian dissident Mr Alexey Navalny with the state-controlled weapon-grade chemical agent.


The German government learned that Russian opposition leader fell ill on the plane from Siberia to Moscow due to the poisoning with a new type of the weapon-grade chemical Novichok, German national daily newspaper Die Zeit reported.

A killer drizzled a poison to the tea or applied it to the surface of a cup from which Mr Navalny drank a hot drink at the airport, according to the researchers from the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the German Armed Forces in Munich. The investigators found poison on Mr Navalny's hand and his bottle. The military specialists said no one could prepare such a substance at the home laboratory. A new Novichok is more lethal and more difficult to identify than its predecessor.

A Russian specialist in chemical weapons Mr Vil Mirzayanov, who invented the original form of the Novichok agent, stated that the killers hoped that chemical substance would dissolve in Mr Navalny's blood. Therefore, the Russian doctors supervised by Russian intelligence agents at Omsk hospital kept Mr Navalny's as long as the best Russian specialists were not able to identify the agent.

Mr Mirzayanov also stated, that after the attacks against former Russian military intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salsbury, the United Kingdom shared with the spectra of the poisonous Novichok 234 found in the victims. These spectra, physicochemical constants, and DNA of the substance constitute mass spectrum that can be compared electronically with spectra processed from the victims of new poisonings. The special computer quickly generates the answer, whether it is the same type of the substance, explained the chemical weapons specialist.

In the case of the poisoning of Mr Navalny, the computer detected the new type of Novichok and provided its characteristic.

This new Novitschok variant is working more slowly than the previously known version.

The German investigators suspect that Russia secret service, the FSB, had planned Navalny would die on board of the plane to Moscow.

The fact that he is still alive, it is said in Berlin, is only due to a chain of the fortunate circumstances, such as the quick reaction of the pilot, who made an emergency landing. The ambulance doctors from Omsk, who immediately came to the tarmac correctly identified a phosphoric based-substance and injected Mr Navalny with the antidote atropine, played the primary role in saving Navalny's life.

On Thursday, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that it is high probability that Kremlin poisoned Mr Navalny. I think all the people around the world see this kind of activity for what it is, stated Mr Pompeo. And when they see the effort to poison a dissident, and they recognise that there is a substantial chance that this actually came from senior Russian officials, he stressed.

Attacking Mr Navalny with chemical weapon, Kremlin once again violated the international law.

Novichok is on the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons list of prohibited toxins. The Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology in Munich - the German Army laboratory that detected the agent at Navalny - is one of the 17 institutes that the OPCW has certified for the detection of such toxins.


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