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The Israeli Cultural Association Closed All of Synagogues in Austria


The security precautions have been strengthened throughout the country. The newest counter-terror measure was a police request to synagogue members to stay home on Tuesday.

The Israeli Cultural Association (IKG) closed all synagogues in Austria after the terrorist attack.

All facilities in Vienna, such as kosher restaurants, supermarkets and schools, are also affected, stated Mr Erich Nuler, spokesman for the crisis team. In addition, the security precautions have been strengthened throughout Austria. The synagogue members were asked to stay home.

It is not known whether the attack in Seitenstettengasse in Vienna, where the city synagogue is located, was aimed at the IKG. However, it is certain that the terrorist shot two people in front of the building, said the spokesman.

The IKG is in close coordination with the investigating authorities, such as the State Police Directorate and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter Terrorism .

Not only in Vienna, but also in other cities like Graz, the facilities of the IKG were closed at least until Wednesday, the author of the statement informed.


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