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The Pandemic Returns To Europe


Major European countries record high increase in new cases of the Wuhan virus.

European countries that were the epicenter of the pandemic in spring have been reporting increasing daily toll of new cases. Germany recorded more than 4,000, Italy almost 5,000, Netherlands nearly 6,000, and France about 19,000.  Paris announced five cities Lille, Lyon, Grenoble, Saint -Etienne, and Toulouse, the red-zones of the high risk.

While the outbreak spreads out quickly, other European countries are trying to buy time with tightening restrictions. For example, in the Czech Republic, all sports and cultural facilities are closed for 14 days, restaurant opening time is limited to 8 p.m. The middle and high school students will switch to a mixed education system.

In the capital of Belgium in Brussels, bars and pubs, cafes and tea houses were suspended for a month. Paris authorities introduced similar restrictions on Tuesday.   Italy reintroduced the mandatory wearing of masks. The residents of Poland will also be obliged to wear masks on the street and in all public places - the measure will take effect from October 10.

The British authorities are also planning to tighten quarantine measures in certain parts of England. Probably in the most contaminated areas, pubs and restaurants will be closed, spending the night outside the home will be prohibited.

Ms Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, has announced tough new closures and restrictions on pubs, restaurants and other hospitality venues for 16 days that begins today.

According to the latest data, there are already more than 36 million people infected with the Wuhan virus in the world, and more than 1 million people have died. The USA remains the leader in the number of cases and deaths - more than 7.5 million and 212 thousand. India, Brasil, and Russia are next in the ranking.


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