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Ukraine Leader Scared of West's Talks About Ukraine Without Ukraine



President Volodymyr Zelenskyy specifically warned on Thursday Washington that its failure to block the construction of a Russian natural gas pipeline to Germany would be a grave political error.


Ukraine’s leader voiced fear Thursday that the U.S. could strike a deal with Russia behind his country’s back, and rebuked France and Germany for a perceived softening of their stance in talks with Moscow.

President Zelenskyy said that even though U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has assured him during a visit earlier this month that Washington would first consult Kyiv on any Ukraine-related issues before it discusses them with Russia, he is still deeply worried.

Are there risks that some issues will be raised despite our agreements? he said. Yes, I’m sure that there such risks. I’ll be frank with you, I’m scared by this situation, he said.

Mr. Zelenskyy’s strong comments reflected Ukrainian concern that the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline bypassing its territory would deprive it of transit fees for pumping the Russian gas to Europe, erode its strategic importance and weaken it politically.

The popular Ukraine newspaper Ukrainska Pravda assessed that the West is discussing Putin's pipeline without Kiiv.

The situation with Nord Stream-2 today is threatening, warned former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for European Integration Ms. Olena Zerkal.

She explained that after Joe Biden was elected German diplomats stepped up and offered the White House "another way" to defend Ukraine.

Because without us they can decide that there is an "alternative solution in the interests of the country." It will be called differently - a moratorium on construction, or a fund to support Ukraine, or guarantees of pumping. Lobbyists from the Kremlin have a fantasy, she wrote.

Ukrainian President: permission for Putin's pipeline a great loss to the US

On Wednesday, two hours to the talks of US State Secretary and his Russian counterpart White House announced, it will lift sanctions over the construction of Putin's pipeline. The United States did not consult that decision with Ukraine, although Mr. Blinken promised such talks during his last visit to Kyiv.

Ukraine is a step away from losing, the most important battle for the source of the major part of its revenue.

It would be a loss for the United States, and I believe it would be President Biden’s personal loss, Mr. Zelenskyy said at a news conference. It would mark a serious geopolitical victory for the Russian Federation and a new redistribution of spheres of influence, he added.


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