US Top Official: Wuhan Virus Leaked From Lab

American national security officials assessed the report of a whistleblower from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China the most credible intelligence.
The evidence provided by the former employee of one of the labs suggested that the global pandemic was a result of leak or an accident in the lab.
Matthew Pottinger, who is respected United States Deputy National Security Adviser, informed Western politicians that even Communist China's leaders now openly admit their previous claims that the virus originated in a Wuhan market are false.
There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus, Deputy National Security Adviser Mr. Pottinger told British parliamentarians in a remote video call.
He stated the pathogen may have escaped through a leak or an accident.
Even establishment figures in Beijing have openly dismissed the wet market story, he emphasised.
Mr Pottinger, who speaks fluent Mandarin, previously worked as a journalist for Reuters and The Wall Street Journal, including seven years as its China correspondent.
In 2005, he became a US marine and served as a military intelligence officer before being asked to join the US National Security Council in 2017, becoming Asia director before assuming his current role.
His older brother, Paul, is a virologist at the University of Washington.
"There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus"
The distrust in the statements of Communist China's officials has increased after Beijing brutally attacked Australia. In response to Prime Minister Scott Morrison's government suggestion to launch an independent inquiry into the pandemic, Communist China's stopped nearly all the Australian exports.
Communist China impeded world's battle with Wuhan virus
During the weekend, a top Chinese Communist regime's official, Comrade Wang, who uses the title of foreign minister, falsely claimed that many outbreaks caused the pandemic. And that China was the first government informed about the incident. Contrary to that, as the world has learned, after the outbreak which occurred as early as December in Wuhan, Communist China's terrorised the doctors, who were able to inform about the diagnosis of an unusual sickness like SARS.
Communist China is withholding the original strain of the virus from Western scientists.
The independent journalists who tried to report were punished, and the doctors who shared some more information on the virus were disappeared.
Communist China is withholding the original strain of the virus from Western scientists. This fact greatly impeded the production of the vaccine against the Wuhan virus.