Virus Behaviour Decoded



FACT: Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time, concluded the scientists from the Institute of virology and HIV Research at the University Bonn during the series of experiments.

BACKGROUND: The scientific team, led by virologist Dr Hendrik Streeck, completed substantial research conducted through surveys and investigations in homes across the Heinsberg region - where more than 1,400 confirmed cases had been reported. Heinsberg has an approximate population of 250,000 inhabitants and has confirmed 46 coronavirus-related deaths.

OPINION: “To actually 'get' the virus it would be necessary that someone coughs into their hand, immediately touches a door knob and then straight after that another person grasps the handle and goes on to touches their face," stated Dr Streeck.

German virologist Christian Drosten of Berlin's Charité had pointed out that coronavirus is extremely sensitive to drying out, so the only way of contracting it is if one was to “inhale the droplets.” The scientists is convinced that the Wuhan virus is a droplet infection which cannot be transmitted through the air.

But experts from the US Institute of Health CDC and NIH had come to the conclusion that the virus can survive twenty-four hours on paper, three hours in aerosols and up to three days on plastics and stainless steel. German Robert Koch Institute quotes these observations in its materials as well.


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